Katie Is Just Checking In.

February 22, 2024 I By Katie Cox, Executive Director

Hello Friend,

I was struck at the beginning of the month by the answers that Elmo received to a seemingly simple question.  Did you see Elmo’s questions? Did you see the response? First, I love the warm fuzzy that I get in my stomach when Elmo speaks. I think it just takes me back to how much I loved this furry creature as a child. He still feels like an old friend.

The answers made me sad, though.  I wish there wasn’t so much sadness and despair for so many people.  

I think we all need to admit too that this winter has been hard.  We haven’t had tons of that fun white stuff, the fog has been crazy heavy, and the rain is a bit of a constant.  Weather has an impact on me for sure. 

The question and the responses made me think about the many tools we each have to help combat the blues. 

  • Get Outside.  A walk outside, fresh air, moving our bodies can have so many positive benefits.  We all know about Vitamin D, but sunlight also brings our serotonin levels up and walking helps our bodies absorb minerals like calcium.  We know that benefits increase even more if you can get out in nature, but even a walk around the block will help, or if you don’t feel up to a walk, find a bench to sit on and soak up the fresh air. 

  • Turn off the Technology. A technology diet would be good for so many of us. My parents recently visited and they live so remotely that they only have a flip phone for when they go “to town”. They know they’re lucky.  I make sure I sleep in a different room than my phone but also know that I could stand to be a bit less connected.  Have you ever thought about a once a week tech diet? 

  • Lead with kindness. This is a constant practice for me.  I like to lean into people and relationships. I really like to say hello.  I love striking up a conversation with the employees at the grocery store.  Kindness begets kindness. It’s a fun habit to get into because although you are trying to help others, sneakily it helps you too.  I’ll make it a goal to say hello with a smile every day to 10 strangers, want to join me?

  • Gratitude for the kids. Recently I spent the morning at a local elementary school. We were trying to figure out ways to support outdoor time (see bullet no. 1). You can’t help but smile when you see kids in their natural habitat.  The giggles, the antics, the smiles – remember when life’s biggest questions were about what you were going to play after school and what you were going to eat for lunch? I am grateful for the kids in our communities and for the educators and parents that help them thrive.  I hope you can find some joy in the youthful energy that abounds in our towns.

  • Gather hugs. Give hugs. Regan recently shared with me what Virginia Satir, an often quoted family therapist has said, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”  I have been practicing this for the last week and all I can say is, I agree wholeheartedly. Get out there and give away some hugs! 

So Elmo, thanks for asking. I am doing pretty well thanks to my amazing community.  I hope one day we get to take Elmo for a walk at Pine Street Woods. I think Elmo would really like it. Until then, I hope I see you at Pine Street Woods and if you’d like one, let me know and I’ll give you a hug.

Take care of you,



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